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The NFL Wants Robots Measuring First Downs?

If you are a football fan who has two eyeballs and a brain, then you probably saw the TRAVESTY that was the “Josh Allen First Down” from the Bills/Chiefs AFC Championship game last week. You probably saw how SUPERMAN in the #17 jersey was able to break the plane, but because of the ineptitude of the zebras on the field…..he ended up not being awarded the first down.

It was a travesty to end all travesties, and something that had all of the ‘tin foil hat’ fans screaming “COLLUSION” on social media. It caused every non-Chiefs fan (including me) on social media to call Roger Goodell a pinhead, and say that he is siding with KC for ‘ratings’ and whatnot. It was AWFUL! But now, after that all unfolded…..it looks like the league is trying to make amends with the situation, by (reportedly) considering the implementation of electronic systems that will measure first downs.

Now, for the record; this is the most “NFL thing” that I’ve ever seen in my entire life. They are one of the most reactionary leagues in all of sports, that LOVES to make changes to it’s rules/operations whenever a problem is brought up on social media. They LOVE to make it seem like they’re fixing a problem……without outwardly saying why they’re doing it, or that it’s even a problem at all.

It’s wild, if you ask me. But with people like Roger Goodell in charge……it’s just something you need to get used to. But that’s besides the point.

The point that I am trying to make though is…….why is the NFL not doing this already? Why haven’t Roger Goodell and the rest of the ‘cronies’ in the NFL ivory towers implemented this into their games? It SEEMS simple enough, don’t you think? It SEEMS LIKE something that a multi-billion dollar entity like the NFL can pull off? Right?

I mean COME ON; if TENNIS can figure out a similar technology YEARS AGO, that tracks a MUCH SMALLER BALL that’s traveling WAY FASTER than a football…

Then you would THINK that one of the biggest sports leagues in the world could do something similar. You would THINK that the league, who LITERALLY owns a day of the week, could give us a similar tracker for their footballs. Right? It just MAKES SENSE!

Simply put; the technology has been there, and the NFL could’ve used it at ANY POINT! But they decide to ‘talk about it’ NOW, after one of the most controversial rulings in recent memory. That sounds smart!

Now, the question that arises is…..should we SERIOUSLY expect something like this to come out next year? Personally….I wouldn’t get my hopes up. Sure, it would “look good” if Goodell decided to make this happen in 2025. Sure, they have the money to get it done in a timely manner. But for this league to ACTUALLY implement something as GROUND BREAKING as this in only a few months? I would have to see it to believe it!

Hopefully the NFL figures it out! But in the end, as always….what do I know? I’m just a guy from the Midwest, with a beer and a laptop, trying to make sense of this world.


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