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NCAA College Football 25, 24 Hours Later

I am still in subtle disbelief that the day sports video game fans, college football fans, and college athletes alike have been waiting for has finally arrived. EA has successfully brought back the popular NCAA College Football series. It has been exactly 11 years and 6 days between the previous installment, NCAA College Football 14, and the new NCAA College Football 25 release. Yes, I know the game is still not officially out, as preorder deluxe buyers like myself have been granted early access with the official release date being July 19th, but the amount of excitement around this game has many, many people forking over the extra money to play the game now instead of later. I have officially had 24 hours with the game, and today I would like to cover my experience thus far as we celebrate the return of one of the most popular sports video game franchises.

I want to start by saying that in the short time since this game has come out, it has lived up to my expectations. Is it perfect? No, the first patch for the game has yet to even come out, but in terms of hitting the nail on the head as to what college football fans wanted out of this video game, EA has done it. The game does not feel like Madden with college branding; it feels like its own unique experience with new passing systems, trick plays, and college-style offenses that you just do not see in the stale Madden franchise. The presentation also makes you feel like it is a Saturday afternoon as opposed to a Sunday, giving you that college football feel whether it be the bands, cheerleaders, or fans. When I sat down to play this game, I wanted to feel a new, authentic experience that I haven’t had since 2013, and in that aspect, I’m more than satisfied.

Not only does the game feel separate from the Madden franchise despite both games being made by EA, but the game modes have also made me happy as they remind me of the days of playing NCAA 14 with a modern twist. My most played mode up to this point is Road to Glory, as I am waiting for the team builder to come out later this week to start an actual Dynasty mode that I am not just testing things out with. From signing NIL deals to being invited to parties, the experience in Road to Glory has been fun. Then you add in the transfer portal, training, and budgeting your time between leadership, academics, and training, amongst other time eaters, makes this mode so much fun and easily replayable after you run out of eligibility. My only wish is that we bring back high school games before your college career, which was in the previous installment. As for Dynasty, I can’t wait until Team Builder is out so I can play the mode in full, but my short experience in recruiting as well as all the detail put into the fan-favorite mode makes me so happy that EA put their all into the modes the fans care about the most.

So if you couldn’t tell, I am very happy with how the game turned out after years of waiting, and I am glad the players are getting paid for their likeness as well because that was a long time coming. I just have one final question: why does it seem that everyone who is posting content on Road to Glory is at Kennesaw State? Because that is how I started my collegiate career in the game as well. Regardless, here is to the NCAA football franchise returning and many, many hours being spent playing it.


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