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My Worthless 2 Cents After The Steelers Played The Packers

The title “My Worthless 2 Cents” that I came up with isn’t one I feel I can take full credit for, but is a story in itself, so here it is. I was in the 8th grade at the time, and found myself tagging along with my older sister (a senior in high school), as she was a part of the high school theatre group who would work as ushers for local community theatre productions. Working as an usher at a production of “Harvey”, the dad for one of my baseball friends came up to me at intermission and handed me two pennies and asked me to go back to the dressing area and find the lead actor in the play. I was to give him the pennies and tell him “this is from the guy with the big nostrils, giving you his two cents worth”. I thought this was funny so I agreed to do it, especially since I knew the two were friends. I go to the dressing room and deliver the message and the “gift”. The response I was given was even better. The actor told me to return the pennies and I was to “tell the guy with the big nostrils to take his worthless 2 cents and shove the right up those big nostrils”. So that’s it. This is my 2 cents after sitting on the latest Steelers game for a bit. You might tell me to take my worthless two cents and shove them up my nostrils, and that’s okay, because we are friends and I don’t look at it as personal.

I am going to break things down into three categories: One, something I feel stronger about. Two, something I have softened on a bit. Three, something that didn’t really change.


Putting games away. The Steelers had the opportunity to put this game out of reach early, and believe it or not it was the defense who was not helping out (at least a little bit). The Steelers put up 17 points on their first three possessions. That’s like a pot of gold for the offense so far this season. The issue is that the Packers put up 13 (should have been 14) on their first three possessions, as the Steeler defense gave up two touchdown drives on the first three Packers possessions. I expected a bit more from this defense, facing what has been a pretty weak Packers offense. The issue I kept seeing was that if the Steelers pass rush could not get pressure on Jordan Love, then he was able to sit back and pick apart the Steelers zone. Speaking of the zone defense, I thought zone defensive principles were that if a person entered your zone that they were yours to guard, but what I feel I see from the Steelers when they play zone is that players run to a spot and then react after the ball is delivered. I could be totally off on that, but it is just the way it felt to me while the game was happening.


Canada on the sideline. At first I was indifferent to this move, as I felt it was putting lipstick on the pig. I am coming around on this as I am feeling better seeing Matt Canada reacting and interacting with the players rather than just sitting as his stoic self in the booth. Has it really impacted the play calling or resulted in more yards? I’m not sure yet on that one, but I can say that I am liking to see the positive interactions he has had with players on the sidelines. The next few weeks will be telling on the overall impact it is having on the offense. I should note that this does not mean I am suddenly a Canada fan or that the Steelers should retain his services past this year, I am just saying that I am liking the change and that I think it is better for the players.


The one-two punch at RB is working. I have been a fan of playing both running backs from day one. People clamored to start Warren and bench Najee, but I have seen a place for both of them from the start. Maybe it’s because I grew up watching Walter Abercrombie and Frank Pollard split carries. Or perhaps it was because Rocky and Franco were a dual threat backfield. I don’t know about you, but I will take any game where the Steeler RB’s combine for over 180 yards rushing. It’s working, and I think both guys are fine with it which makes it even better. To top it all off it was another game where both Najee and Jaylen had a rushing TD, that’s extra icing on the cake!

There you have it. My worthless 2 cents. Maybe you liked it, maybe you didn’t. Maybe you want to tell me to shove my worthless two cents up my big nostrils. Maybe you have your own worthless 2 cents you would like to share. If so please feel free to share it in the comments below, I might look at it and tell you to shove it up your big nostrils…but that’s okay, because we are still friends.


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