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My Worthless 2 Cents After The Steelers Played The Colts

The title “My Worthless 2 Cents” that I came up with isn’t one I feel I can take full credit for, but is a story in itself, so here it is. I was in the 8th grade at the time, and found myself tagging along with my older sister (a senior in high school), as she was a part of the high school theatre group who would work as ushers for local community theatre productions. Working as an usher at a production of “Harvey”, the dad for one of my baseball friends came up to me at intermission and handed me two pennies and asked me to go back to the dressing area and find the lead actor in the play. I was to give him the pennies and tell him “this is from the guy with the big nostrils, giving you his two cents worth”. I thought this was funny so I agreed to do it, especially since I knew the two were friends. I go to the dressing room and deliver the message and the “gift”. The response I was given was even better. The actor told me to return the pennies and I was to “tell the guy with the big nostrils to take his worthless 2 cents and shove the right up those big nostrils”. So that’s it. This is my 2 cents after sitting on the latest Steelers game for a bit. You might tell me to take my worthless two cents and shove them up my nostrils, and that’s okay, because we are friends and I don’t look at it as personal.

I am going to break things down into three categories: One, something I feel stronger about. Two, something I have softened on a bit. Three, something that didn’t really change.


The Steelers will not win another game this season. There are multiple reasons why I would say this, and some of those reasons include the losses at inside linebacker, the losses now taking place at the safety position, and the fact that there is a visual that many players have kind of given up on the team and the season. The last one is the most disappointing. The one thing I had gotten used to seeing from the Steelers is always having fight. This current Steelers team appears to have lost the desire to fight. Now that that edge is lost, I do not see the team having the talent/players abilities at key positions to be able to win another game considering who the three opponents are the Steelers have left. Losing the last six games of the season will be a tough pill to swallow for Steeler fans, I know it is a tough pill to swallow for me, but maybe it’s what the team needs to be able to go into the offseason and do the work necessary to come back stronger next season.


Nothing. I have softened on nothing. This team and organization has ticked me off so bad over the past few weeks that I cannot think of a single thing that I can honestly say I’ve softened on. The team has sent my blood pressure through the roof, I feel like George Costanza’s father on Seinfeld as anytime I’m talking about the Steelers all I seem to want to do is yell. Maybe instead of celebrating Christmas or Hanukkah this year maybe all Steeler fans should celebrate Festivus because right now I know we would all love the start with the airing of grievances about the Pittsburgh Steelers. The problem is I think that airing of grievances would probably last all the way until training camp.


The Steelers are not really a playoff team. Dave and I have talked about this a lot on the Scho Bro Show, that the Steelers were getting away with things early in the year and picking up wins. The hope had always been that the Steelers would start to get things figured out as the year went on and have an end at this season like they had last season. The problem is instead of progressing the team has actually regressed as the season has gone on. This made me change my hope that they could be a playoff team and potentially make a little noise in the playoffs to realizing that they are not playoff worthy. Would I be upset if the Steelers made it into the playoffs? Absolutely not. But expectations would have to be low, because they really haven’t shown themselves to be a consistent enough football team able to do the things week in and week out that would lead to having any kind of success in the post season.

There you have it. My worthless 2 cents. Maybe you liked it, maybe you didn’t. Maybe you want to tell me to shove my worthless two cents up my big nostrils. Maybe you have your own worthless 2 cents you would like to share. If so please feel free to share it in the comments below, I might look at it and tell you to shove it up your big nostrils…but that’s okay, because we are still friends.


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