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Back Door Channels: The latest going on behind the scenes at SCN

The Pittsburgh Steelers and Las Vegas Raiders are getting ready to play in Week 6, and while we will have some continued coverage for the upcoming game I wanted to take a minute to update readers on some stuff that’s going on with SCN/FFSN. Things which I felt you would like to know.

This will be a sporadic feature called “Back Door Channels” where if things are changing, or something new is coming up…I will let you know! Let’s get to the latest behind-the-scenes information:

Website Development

Since Steel Curtain Network (SCN) started in July of 2023, we’ve received plenty of feedback regarding the current website. The functionality, look, feel and comment section. We realized there was need for an improvement, but we just needed to get our feet wet. I’ve spoken about this multiple times, but starting a website is difficult. Getting people to recognize you as a place to go and read about their favorite team is difficult.

We thought many from the old place would just us in the new place, and while some did, many didn’t.

So we had to blaze a new trail, and I’m proud to say we have seen some significant growth in Year 2. But that isn’t the development I’m talking about here. No, I’m talking about a new website.

Yes, we are getting a new website!

The domain will stay the same, but the look, feel and functionality will be vastly different than the current website. Even the comment section will be improved!

Needless to say, I’m extremely excited for this upgrade, and I’m hoping it will make our little slice of Steelers coverage even better. You might be wondering when this change will become official, and that’s a great question. We don’t have a hard date, but are shooting for the end of October to go live.

I’ve seen the early stages of the site, and it will be worth the wait!

Oh, and in case you wondered, I took a lot of the recommendations/criticism we’ve received over the past year and gave that to the web designer. Brighter days ahead!

An App?

On top of the new website, we are also talking about building an app. The question now is whether this app will encompass all of FFSN, or possibly just SCN coverage. Obviously, Steelers fans would want a singular app for the coverage they truly care about, but we have to make the best decision for not just SCN, but FFSN as a company.

More on this later, but we’re in the early stages of this development. The new website will be done well before the app is developed.

Shout Outs

I wanted to take a moment to thank the new(er) contributors to the site. Things change, and several writers, including Shannon White and Bradley Locker, have decided to take a respite from writing from SCN for the time being. They are always welcome back, but when people step away we get people who generally want to come in and step up.

The following contributors have been doing a tremendous job, and I am encouraged on what they will be doing moving forward:

  • Chris Gillis
  • Jason Murphy
  • Corey Eckenroth
  • Sadie Hubler

Want to Contribute?

We are always looking for experienced, or competent, writers who are looking to do some writing for SCN.

If you are interested, send me an email with some sample and I’d be happy to see if you would be a good fit for what we are building here with SCN/FFSN.


That’s all from the “Back Door Channels” for now, I’ll be back with more updates soon! In the meantime, be sure to stay tuned to SCN for the latest news and notes surrounding the Steelers as they prepare for the Raiders.


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