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The beautiful unpredictability of Opening Day

Opening Day. What a beautiful phrase that is that we experience each year. The 2024 MLB season finally begins for everyone and with it a new year of hopes and dreams.

There is something inherently beautiful about the correlation between Opening Day and the spring season. Spring has often represented new beginnings, new life, and the potential for change. Flowers begin to blossom, the days begin to get longer, and you can the transition of nature into something that is absolutely beautiful in summer. It’s also the time that bats begin to crack, gloves begin to slap, and the rollercoaster that an MLB is finally gets rolling.

The beauty of baseball is that Opening Day is a fresh start for everyone. While the offseason is filled with projections, predictions, and day-to-day analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each club, there is still a reality that no one can truly predict what will happen. Yes, there are things that are likely to happen and easy predictions to make, but there is always the ever-present chance that we will see something that’s never been seen before.

We could see a team suddenly storm out of the gate defying the predictions of mediocrity and find a way to break through to the playoffs. We could see teams that spent a lot of money during the offseason be ousted from the playoffs early on, or even fail to get there in the first place. We could see an underrated player become a household name while the pricey veteran crumbles.

While you can certainly plan for every aspect of a baseball season, there is beauty in the unexpected and unpredictable nature of the game. Anyone can rise to be a star for any given day, week, month, or even season. You never know what you will find on the baseball field.

Opening Day disregards every notion, baggage, and demon that a team carries over the year before. Many have learned from the past, but everyone begins at the same starting line. The prize is within reach of anyone willing to make the effort to snag it at the end of the marathon. Opening Day is simply the starting pistol that puts everything in motion. It’s when we get to see if the months of preparation during the offseason and Spring Training can pay off.

It’s also a time to meet new friends and greet old ones. The game is continually filling with some of the best young players the sport has to offer as they begin their major league careers. We’ve seen players like Wyatt Langford force his way onto the Texas Rangers roster while others aren’t too far off. For all fans it’s a chance to say hello to their friends at school after a summer away.

Despite the drama that will always occur behind the scenes and during our regular lives, Opening Day is that small oasis of refuge from the cares of the world. Fans both old and young, along with the players, can harken back to the days of their youth when all that mattered was a game with a stick and ball. There is no telling what will happen after 162 games, but it’s a testament to the beauty of baseball where hope reigns supreme and fans will say “Perhaps this is our year.”

Regardless of team projections and how final records may finish, Opening Day is a day to rejoice. Baseball is back. If you have found yourself wavering in your fandom with your respective team, give them a chance. Find a reason to hope in them again. Find a reason to remain dedicated to this game you love. Opening Day is a chance to come back and find a reason to care. Should you manage to do so, you’ll find yourself changed on this wonderful event, known only as Opening Day.


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