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Opt-in or Opt-Out

Texas Tech, like all schools, has players who have already entered the portal or opted-out of the bowl game otherwise. Let me clear here first, this article is not talking about the guys who are portal bound. If I was planning on leaving a school and was actively looking for my next home the only appropriate measure would be to step aside as early as possible to make the break easier for everyone.

This article instead focuses on the opt-outs, guys who have the NFL Draft or other professional aspirations and elect to step aside prior to the bowl game. The news of Myles Cole electing to exit the program to prepare for the draft spurred this on, but let me be clear I am not targeting Cole. I think this is just a good time to really consider the situation on when a player should opt-out. The short answer is, whenever a player has a future ahead of them playing in a meaningless bowl comes second. You love to see a guy who isn’t a high pick fight with his teammates, but you should never hold it against any player who decides to chase their dream. The longer answer is a bit more nuanced.

First and foremost, if you are a guy who has a greater than 50% chance of being a first round draft pick, always opt-out. Unless your team is hunting for the national title, or your program is in the NY6 and is one where that still matters (G5 first time trip, overachieving P5) this is a no brainer. You cannot risk your future playing in the Alamo Bowl.

From here on it gets tricky. Caliber of bowl matters, but I still believe picks in the second and third round should similarly strongly consider opting out. That is a lot of money, and getting ready for the combine is a big deal. However, for those players I also get the appeal of wanting to battle with your brothers for one last ride. And there is also something to be said for getting more game tape in front of decision makers.

I strongly believe guys who do not fall into these categories should battle in the bowl. I won’t hold it against any player who elects to protect their future, and I will still wish them good luck. But while bowl season has largely become irrelevant you aren’t playing for the program anymore or the fans. That last game is for your brothers who have been with you every step. One last ride in an environment that is largely just fun and exciting.

Secure your bag kings, but I am always appreciative of the guys who elect to fight one more time for us.


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