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Countdown To Kickoff Day 29: The BUTT Bowl

Starting 1929, Baylor and Texas Tech are both an unlikely rivalry to have formed and one that grows increasingly heated seemingly each year. Baylor is Texas tech’s most played opponent, and a shockingly even one at that. The series stands with Baylor at 41 wins, Tech at 40, and one tie.

Tech claimed last year’s game in dominant fashion, something I talked about in a previous article. The year before, The Bears strolled into Lubbock and blew the doors off the place. This rivalry is as even as they come, and with Baylor reeling after last year this year’s contest feels huge.

Not only is the BUTT Bowl every fans favorite meme, but Joey McGuire being a former Baylor assistant, and one time candidate for their job, there is even more increased pressure to win that game. Personally, this feels like a great year to even the series back up. Put another nail Aranda’s coffin and make sure that Tech can slowly start gaining some separation from Baylor in the series.


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