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Countdown to Kickoff Day 16: College Football Playoff Dreams

I want to be clear, I am NOT drinking the Kool-Aid this year. I have high hopes, the schedule is extremely favorable and Tech has talent it has not seen in years. This post is just a daydream, not true belief or a projection.

An undefeated conference champion will only need 16 total wins to hoist the crown. 16 wins, for the first time ever, will win you the national title and change the trajectory of the program forever. Can Tech get it done? Look, I won’t pretend there is even a 3% chance it happens for a program that has only gotten close one year in history to having a shot at the crown. But, man what if you got it done?

The inaugural expanded playoff year, a weak schedule, and a team that will HOPEFULLY finally get some breaks with health could do something special. A national title would elevate Texas Tech to untold heights, winning this crown jewel of sports would make the university I love be on a brighter stage than ever before.

And damn, in the preseason why not daydream about it?


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